Thursday 24 June 2010

my ideal job


My ideal job is not only in one place or in a office doing the same think every day for the rest of my life , I hope it can be in many places out of santiago maybe in the south or in other country like brazil, with many animals to see and help . working with the people who do not have money to pay a veterinarian, but I know that I can not live of that so is very difficult to me say what I want in this moment.
I grew watching "profesor rosa and maravillozoo" and my mother is a lover of the animals, so that create a really big interes on my for the animals, it is for that reason the I would like to be surgeon, it is spectacular to me see how a doctor can save a animal or cure its disease and make better the life of that animal. since i was a child i have seen the doctors on tv or in the hospital working very hard for the saefty of the animals.

I want to work with people that are interested in animal health, not with people who just is interested in the money, I understand the money is necesary to live ( thas is obvious) but should be a limit, and with people who treat in a good way the animals. we do not have to forget why we are doing this.
I`m sure that this gonna make me happy because i have always wanted even when i was a little child, so I know the i have to study a lot for that.



Thursday 10 June 2010

Who is a person on your field that you admire?


Konrad Lorenz was born on November 7, 1903 in Vienna, Austria. As a little boy, he loved animals.When he was 10 years old, Lorenz became aware of the existence of the Theory of Evolution through reading a book by Wilhelm Bölsche in which he was fascinated by a picture of an Archaeopteryx.As he grew towards adulthood he wanted to become a paleontologist, however, he reluctantly followed his father's wishes, and studied medicine at the University of Vienna and at Columbia University. He later regarded this compliance to have been in his own best interests as one of his teachers of anatomy, Ferdinand Hochstetter, proved to be a brilliant comparative anatomist and embryologist and a dedicated teacher of the comparative method.He gained a degree in medicine in 1929 and was awarded a doctorate in zoology from the University of Munich in 1936. He had published his famous study of imprinting in young ducklings and goslings in 1935.

He is the more important founder of ethology , and discover the imprinting in the animals .
the imprinting is when an animal see for the first time a big objet (wen borns) and he folllow the objet, lorenz put hem like the parents and the ducks follow hem.

I like hem because he loves the animals, he works for them even when his father don`t want.
he is an exaple of life,he shows as than if you want you can do enything.
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