Thursday 13 May 2010


it is very dificult to me to explain why did i prefer veterinary. when i was seven years old i found a dog on the street, it was a winter nigth there was cold and wet. The dog was sick and week i looked into his eyes and for a moment could feel how much he needed to be help. Till that day i realize that i want to help animals, i really need to help them
it comes like a force on me. In our hands rest the power to change the way in wich ppl see animals, they deserve respect, like friends and loyal servers of humans , and like a form of life they need to be loved to grow up healthy, happy and beauty
in that way they can develop normaly and smarters; sometimes i really dont understand the people who belive that animals dont think or dont love, iwould llike to say them "you cant be more wrong"

1 comment:

  1. it is very dificult to me to explain why did i prefer veterinary. when i was seven years old i found a dog on the street, it was a winter nigth there was cold and wet. The dog was sick and week i looked into his eyes and for a moment could feel how much he needed to be WF help. Till that day i TENSE realize that i want to help animals, i really need to help them
    it comes like a force on me. In our hands ^ SVA rest the power to change the way in SP wich ppl see animals, they deserve respect, like friends and loyal servers of humans , and like a form of life they need to be loved to grow up healthy, happy and beauty
    in that way they can develop SP normaly and smarters; sometimes i really dont understand the people who belive that animals dont think or dont love, iwould llike to say them "you cant be more wrong"

    if you are happy about what you do that's what you need in life..


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